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World AIDS Day 2007

WORLD AIDS DAY: December 1, 2007

Today is World AIDS day. Here are some of the latest statistics on HIV/AIDS and it’s affect on the world:

  • 25 million people have died of AIDS so far
  • currently there are 38 million people infected with the HIV virus (90% in Africa)
  • there are 15.2 million children that have orphaned by AIDS
  • 8000 people die everyday of AIDS
  • 6000 children are orphaned every day because of AIDS


  • 42% of it’s 1 million people are HIV positive
  • there are over 120,000 orphans
  • the life expectancy for women is only 33 years

[More stats are available at: ; Stats and some great videos at]

The statistics have gotten worse in the 3 years since I moved to Swaziland. Right before I came to the States, there were a few headlines in the paper that were very telling of the situation there…things like: “Population of Swaziland Drops Below 1 Million,” and “No Adult Population in Swaziland by 2025.” My friend Thulie, who is part of Timbali crafts, found out that her HIV has progressed into AIDS, and her farewell to me was, “I hope I am alive when you return.” Thulie has 3 young children whose fathers have already passed away.

I want to encourage you to take some time today and do something in observance of World Aids Day and the millions of people affected by this horrible disease. Here are a couple ideas:

  • Pray about the statistics in this blog entry. Pray that adults would choose to be faithful to their spouse. Pray that young people would choose sexual purity. Pray that the many widows and orphans would be cared for and protected. Pray that those who are hurting would find hope in Christ.
  • Create some sort of a prayer reminder for yourself. Go buy or download a map of Africa, write some of these stats on it, and put it in a place where you’ll see it often and be reminded to pray!
  • Get on the websites listed above and learn more about the HIV/AIDS crisis. View some of the personal stories via video. Share what you learn with your family or friends.
  • Give to something or get involved in something! Of course there are opportunitites to give/get involved in things AIM is doing related to the AIDS crisis but there are also tons of other causes out there as well. Look at some of the options and ask God where he wants you to put your time and money.

People say that this is the “greatest humanitarian crisis of our time.” That means its also a great opportunity for the church to step up and be light and hope in the midst of it all!!