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Ellie and I are back from our week in Nsoko. Lots of people have asked me how it went, and I just keep saying, “Everything went so smoothly, I can’t believe it.” It seems like everything you try to accomplish here is guaranteed to come with quite a few “hitches” along the way, but last week there were none. God even answered our prayers for a nice cool front to come through! As my friend Marissa would say, “Praise Him!” πŸ™‚
I’m hoping I can upload lots of pictures to help report on our week:
We trained about 40 women during the week. 20 came to the community center on Mon-Tues and the others came on Wed-Thurs. I wasn’t actually sure what all was going to be accomplished during our time, since I wasn’t totally clear on the skill level of the women or exactly how many we’d have attending, but we were actually able to complete each 2 day segment with several finished products. The women were so eager to learn, and caught on quickly to the patchwork table runners.
Philile (seated on the far left)is the wife of the Pastor AIM works with in Nsoko, and also just happens to be a seamstress by trade, which works out great for us! She was a huge asset during the week as she translated for me, taught the women how to sew, helped to correct their mistakes, etc etc. She is really what is making the addition of the Nsoko women to Timbali possible, and will be facilitating most of what happens there with Timbali.
The group of college students that were also in Nsoko for the week helped me to get pictures and bios of all the women. This is Celiwe Makoma, and her story really hit us hard. She’s only 19 years old, was married at 14, widowed at 18, and has had 2 children that have both died. Her only prayer request was that the 12 yr old orphan boy she is caring for will grow in his faith. When Celiwe was asked her birth date, she said October 15, 1989, which just happened to be the day she was being interviewed. Nikki, who was interviewing her, said, “That’s today!” Celiwe smiled shyly and said, “Oh! I didn’t know!” Ellie was happy to sing happy birthday (her favorite song!) to Celiwe.  We talked a lot about God’s care for the women during the week, and the value that He places on their lives…I pray Celiwe knows that her life is precious to the Lord.
Ellie was an AWESOME camper. She slept well every night and seemed to really enjoy the adventure. The team that we were with was also a HUGE help with watching Ellie while I worked with the women and keeping her entertained.  Our tents were really close to the area where the lions at the game park are kept, so Ellie was excited to get up every morning and say hi to Lucky the Lion, and also to the ostriches that roamed around our camp. I thought these pics below were pretty funny. Can you spot the animals in the back ground?
So I hope you’re getting a picture of what a good week it was. We put in long days, and Ellie was absolutely filthy most of the time (Nsoko is pretty much dirt, dirt and more dirt), but it was so amazing to see things coming together and to think about the possibilities for providing an income for these beautiful women. Thanks so much for your prayers…they were answered!
And this is what my office looked like when I got back:
Zwakele, who is helping me out with Timbali things, kept things going here last week, and my office was filled with bags the women had turned in while I was gone. There are about 700 purses in my office right now, ready to be shipped to the US. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow. Please pray! Shipping issues have been a source of frustration lately!
Let me just end with a random cute pic of Ellie:
Ellie LOVES to help in the kitchen. Here she is helping me make Tortillas (have I ever mentioned our “Mexican Food Ministry” here in Swaziland? πŸ™‚ Ellie adds her own African flare to her tortillas…most of them turn out shaped like Swaziland. πŸ™‚
That’s all for now!

11 responses to “Back from Nsoko”

  1. What a precious child you have. Ellie is so beautiful…
    The women you work with are so lucky to have someone like you helping them.
    The story of Celiwe touched my heart, I’ll be praying for her and the 12 year old boy.
    God bless you Julie..

  2. The pictures are so good! It was great to get a glimpse of your week with the women at Nsoko and to see what was accomplished. We love the pics of Ellie-the perfect camper, wildlife enthusiast, tortilla expert and sweet granddaughter! We’re thankful that your week went so well! God is good!

  3. Thank you for the sweet pictures! It is no surprise to see the Lord allowing you to share more of yourself and to see Him opening your heart and life up for more Swazi women to tell their stories. May they find great strength in the Lord and in His body. May He provide healing, restoration, and life to each one through you and Zwakele-in Jesus. Much love to you and Ellie!

  4. Oh my word!! too cute. I loved that picture of ellie waking up in the tent. I started laughing picturing Ellie singing “happy birthday” and spitting all over Celiwe to blow out the imaginary candles. Dude, i’m so glad it went so well, Praise the Lord. Awesome update! Miss you a ton!

  5. I love it! all of it. I am excited about the additional women now working in Nsoko. I am still waiting for a taste of the Swazi shaped tortilla πŸ™‚

  6. Jules, I don’t think you get enough acknowledgement for the change you are bringing in the lives of the Swazi women. You are doing a great job and you are a star! Thanks for getting this of the ground.

  7. Loved reading your report and seeing the beautiful photos.

    I’ve sold almost all of my first set of Timbali purses so I just was given another big lot from author Lisa Samson. Marcia Borg is shipping me some coin purses. I think those will be a hit with the kids and will make great stocking stuffers.

    Thanks for all you’re doing!


    P.S. Tell Zwakele “sawubona” for me!

  8. since I am never at Bible Study this is the best way i can know what’s going on with you, i mean what would we do without blogs!! :-)…i was browsing through and am really encouraged (needed lots of encouragement today) just to see God working…and of course Ellie’s cuteness makes me happy! πŸ™‚ Zinty